Comment 22 for bug 518809

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frere (frere) wrote :

A note for other Dummies like me who need a working launcher with the LC_NUMERIC=C fix described by Bogdan Marinov:

1) Create a simple text file with an [ *.sh ] extension (script file). I personally created it here:
  [ /home/USER/misc/ ]

2) Simply stick the command in the text file:
   [ LC_NUMERIC=C stellarium ]
    Save and close.
IMPORTANT > make your script file executable in File/Properties/Permission, where you select:
   [ Allow executing file as program ]

3) Enter in
  [ System/Preferences/Maim Menu/Sciences/Stellarium/Properties/Command ]
    et point to your script file. In my case:
  [ /home/USER/misc/ ]

That's it ;o)