Comment 24 for bug 514285

Revision history for this message
faluco (borja-ferav) wrote :

Going to make a summary of what i've found:

With use_glshaders=true, Stellarium wont crash if atmosphere AND fog are off. When enabling either of both it will crash.
With use_glshaders=false, stellarium will only crash with fog enabled, toggling atmosphere wont affect.

Two more things i want to note Fabien are fonts are very blurry (horizontal menu fonts, star labels even blink) depending on the zoom, glshaders doesnt make a difference at all.
Second thing is that after having stellarium running for about 10 mins fps go down from 56fps to 15-20fps, the only thing to restore them back is to restart the program. I think these 2 things are important to take a look.