Comment 0 for bug 1662132

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John O'Flaherty (b3burner) wrote :

I press the location window [F6] button and open up the location box, and go to the location box to choose a city in the search field. Now that version 0.15.1 supports local time zone for default cities, most will automatically choose the proper local time zone for whatever city one chooses.

(example, if I choose the first city at the top of the list ('Afak, Iraq)... and it automatically chooses the "Asia/Baghdad" time zone).

However, if I choose a location-- either in India or Nepal-- it will not give me the proper local time zone, but rather will revert back to "System default" (ones own computer time). Since I live in California, USA... that reverts my time back to UTC-08:00... which of course is no where near India. So it will place the sky objects in the proper place in the sky for that location's time of day, but it will list my time in the bottom panel, instead of India or Nepal's local times, respectively.

I experimented with a few random countries and clicked on their corresponding cities, and was not able to reproduce the problem with any other countries besides India or Nepal. But I may have missed some, as there are a lot of them.

If you need more details, let me know.

-- John