Comment 5 for bug 1527856

Revision history for this message
Alexander Wolf (alexwolf) wrote :

>To Alex, I couldn't find the routine in StarWrapper.hpp or Star.hpp, but a routine does exist in ParseHip.C and ParseHip.v2.c. I.e.......

See here for example:

I guess that reducing of the epoch in the tool for convert original catalog into Stellarium's format has no sense here.

> A further problem, that might be related to this is that 29,240+/-1370 AD, Alpha Centauri makes its closest approach to the Sun at 2.970+/-0.012 light years when the parallax is 1.098 mas (See Mattews (2004)). The apparent total visual magnitude -1.05........

How exactly we can change magnitudes for our case: Stellarium's catalogues has no 3D data for proper motion and parallax? It can be solved only through creating a new catalog with all vectors and absolute magnitudes. But in any case tool for convert catalogs have no sense for main application.

> Routine in Lines 304-346 makes corrections for B_T and V_T HIP magnitudes for spectral class then star colours, however, they do not convert these two magnitudes into B and V Johnston equivalents.

Thanks for link, I think it has sense for prepare updates for the star catalogues.