Comment 4 for bug 1275092

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Victor Reijs (web-victor-reijs) wrote :

Ok did a test with 0.15.0:

Just downloaded 0.15.0 on my home laptop. I see the DeltaT presentation when hovering over the time. I see a mentioned the same the one of 0.14.0 (which should be VSOP I understand) (-23.8946). So it seems that DeltaT is compensated to the wrong (of VSOP). This needs to be changed to of DE431 (-25.8).
I think at the end of your DeltaT function you have this compensation function, something like:

Public Function DeltaTndot(JDNDays, DeltaTfrom, ndotfrom, ndot)
' JDNDays [Days]
' DeltaTfrom [sec]
' ndotfrom ["/cy^2]
' ndot ["/cy^2]
' DeltaTndot [sec]

J1955 = 2435107.5
diff = -0.000091 * (ndot - ndotfrom) * (JDNDays - J1955) * (JDNDays - J1955) / 365.25 / 365.25
DeltaTndot = DeltaTfrom + diff
' DeltaTndot = swe_get_tid_acc()
End Function

And a call like Deltandot (date, deltaTvalue, ndotofdeltatformula, ndotofephemeris)
ndot of Espernak Meeus's ndtdeltaformula=-26 of DE413 is ndotephemeris=-25.8
so the call should be: Deltandot (date, deltaTvalue, -26, -25.8)
and not: Deltandot (date, deltaTvalue, -26, -23.8946)

<The above code is just for illustration (it is from my ARCHAECOSMO package, but I know Stellarium also has something like this (as I provide that formula;-).

Does this help?

Still the question: why is 0.14.0 (which used VSOP, I understand from Georg) giving the same results as DE431 (0.15.0)???

Both give the same wrong eclipse for my benchmark at 14 Jan 484 CE at Athens (which should be a total eclipse just after sun rise, around 8:58 GMT)

All the best,
