Comment 9 for bug 1100766

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Mi.Holzner (mi-holzner) wrote :

 it would be very helpful, if it would be possible, to feed ephemeris dates for NEOs (or other objects) into stellarium.

 => Maybe use the Ephemeris format, that JPL HORIZONS Web-Interface produce. Or maybe, describe the configuration, that these date must have, it is fully configurable..

But then -> You will have data for some (many) discrete times, with RA / Dec or Az / Alt data for the NEO.
HORIZONS calculates with gravity model, mostly correct data for NEOs.
..then just draw this point into the sky of the ephemeris file, which is nearest to the current time.
Maybe only, if neareast point is closer than 1 day to the currect date..

I would be happy for such a feature..! :-)
It could be a new plug-in for users, who want use such a feature. Its maybe not for the "standard-user".

Here a example for ephemeris date for 2012DA14 at about closest flyby, position munich, germany: i used to find 2012DA14 in february..

 Date__(UT)__HR:MN R.A.__(a-apparent)__DEC Azi_(a-appr)_Elev APmag delta deldot Cnst
 2013-Feb-15 19:58 m 12 13 53.32 +11 51 49.3 84.6644 11.2056 7.57 0.00023436829184 1.5168418 Vir
 2013-Feb-15 19:59 m 12 14 04.49 +12 36 01.9 84.3024 11.8816 7.58 0.00023499267617 1.5967769 Vir
 2013-Feb-15 20:00 m 12 14 15.67 +13 19 59.3 83.9405 12.5533 7.58 0.00023564898110 1.6760204 Com
 2013-Feb-15 20:01 m 12 14 26.88 +14 03 40.9 83.5788 13.2206 7.59 0.00023633692372 1.7545454 Com
so, at about 20:00 UTC it was in munich at 84° east, 12.5° elevation... brightness: 7.58 mag

..would be great, if also brightness would be simulated of stellarium / ephemeris plug-in..

Thanks, Michael
(feel free to contact me about this topic)