Comment 10 for bug 213006

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Derek White (d-man97) wrote :

I thought you were done with sum Jimmy! :)

Anyways, I have upgraded to Intrepid since I had this problem. With Intrepid's version (1.9.11-1) I have changed the resolution/color depth, the usplash theme, menu colors, and recently checked one (1) misc boot option all without any problems. Post-config took maybe 30-45 seconds on my latest changes.

Back to your question: I may have had my Vista boot option in the wrong place in menu.lst, but cannot verify that this is true as I no longer have my backups from Hardy, but any custom options would have been wiped by update-grub (or whatever is run to update menu.lst) and this never happened. So, I do not believe I manually edited any of the Automagically created kernel list. Besides, any changes needed can easily be made to other sections/options of menu.lst and update-grub will pull them to the automagic list.

Just to test further, I removed the recovery mode check box, closed sum to apply the changes (they went quick, much quicker than the 30-45 secs for the boot option change earlier), re-ran to verify the new list of kernels, re-checked the recovery mode option, closed to apply, re-ran to check: everything went A-OK.

Then, to test the theory that the more time sum is opened and running the longer it takes to apply changes: I made no changes, just left the program running for 5-7 minutes clicking around occasionally, closed it, post-config ran for at least 40seconds as my 40pixel 1000ms sysmon gauge was completely full with 100% cpu (75%user 25%system). But, it did finish eventually and exited happily.

Basically, a good program, a little finicky, but it only needs run once every blue moon; so, not really a problem in my eyes now that it's working better under Intrepid.