Comment 0 for bug 2070671

Revision history for this message
Eric MacDonald (rocksolidmtce) wrote :

Brief Description
If the collect exclude list contains dirs or files that are found in the collect include list then those intended exclude files are not excluded.

Tar favors the include list content over the exclude list content in its include/exclude handling.

Minor: Some intended excluded files are included when they should not be.

Steps to Reproduce
run collect

Expected Behavior
If /var/log/lastlog were in the collect exclude list then it should be excluded

Actual Behavior
It is not exclluded if that same file exists in the include list


System Configuration

Branch/Pull Time/Commit
Any prior to the release of a fix for this issue.

Last Pass
Never noticed. Test escape.


Test Activity
Developer Testing

Not easy. maybe remove the offending exclude file before running collect.