Comment 2 for bug 2007303

Revision history for this message
Thales Elero Cervi (tcervi) wrote :

Although this issue was first reported long ago when stx-openstack was still running OpenStack@Ussuri services, it is again reproducible with OpenStack@2023.1 due to:

I've confirmed that our new live-migration issues are exactly the reported Nova libvirt driver issue:

sysadmin@compute-1:~$ sudo virsh cpu-compare visrh-caps-compute0.xml
CPU described in visrh-caps-compute0.xml is identical to host CPU

sysadmin@compute-1:~$ sudo virsh hypervisor-cpu-compare visrh-caps-compute0.xml
CPU described in visrh-caps-compute0.xml is incompatible with the CPU provided by hypervisor on the host

sysadmin@compute-1:~$ sudo virsh hypervisor-cpu-compare visrh-caps-compute0.xml --error
error: Failed to compare hypervisor CPU with visrh-caps-compute0.xml
error: the CPU is incompatible with host CPU: Host CPU does not provide required features: ds, acpi, ht, tm, pbe, dtes64, monitor, ds_cpl, smx, est, tm2, xtpr, dca, osxsave

sysadmin@compute-1:~$ virsh domcapabilities > virsh-domcaps-compute1.xml

sysadmin@compute-1:~$ sudo virsh hypervisor-cpu-compare virsh-domcaps-compute1.xml
CPU described in virsh-domcaps-compute1.xml is incompatible with the CPU provided by hypervisor on the host

sysadmin@compute-1:~$ sudo virsh cpu-compare virsh-domcaps-compute1.xml
CPU described in virsh-domcaps-compute1.xml is incompatible with host CP

So fix was proposed to start using nova.conf [workarounds] "skip_cpu_compare_on_dest" option, set to True by default.