Comment 0 for bug 1926366

Revision history for this message
Steven Webster (swebster-wr) wrote :

Brief Description
If a system is converted to a shared-nic configuration with SR-IOV enabled on the underlying physical interface, the system will undergo two reboots after the host is unlocked.

Minor: The system will recover automatically, but the system will be rebooted twice from after the first unlock.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Consider a system with mgmt and oam vlan interfaces on-top of a physical ethernet platform interface:

system host-if-modify controller-0 eth0 -c platform
system host-if-add -V 10 controller-0 oam0 vlan eth0
system interface-network-assign controller-0 oam0 oam
system host-if-add -V 11 controller-0 mgmt0 vlan eth0
system interface-network-assign controller-0 mgmt0 mgmt

2. The system is then unlocked:

system host-unlock controller-0

3. When the system comes back up, the ethernet platform interface is then converted to be of class pci-sriov with 16 VFs:

system host-lock controller-0
system host-if-modify eth0 -c pci-sriov -N 16
system host-unlock controller-0

4. The system is then unlocked:

system host-unlock controller-0

5. When the controller manifest is applied, note that ceph-mon and pmond fail to bind to the management address, and the system is rebooted.

6. After the reboot, the system recovers.

Expected Behavior
The system should only require one unlock/reboot to apply the config

Actual Behavior
The system goes through another reboot, when the controller manifest fails on first reboot


System Configuration
This should apply to all configs (AIO/Standard). In the case of an IPv6 system, it would be noticed that the vlan interfaces lose IPv6 addresses as well as the default route, if any. In the case of an IPv4 system, the default route related to the management interface would be lost.

Branch/Pull Time/Commit
master 2020-06-27

Last Pass
N/A the allowance of a single-nic w/ SR-IOV is a recent feature

Observe the puppet logs from the controller manifest application (on an AIO) or worker manifest application (on a Standard system)

Test Activity
Feature testing

The workaround would be to configure the SR-IOV interface in Step 1 in the 'Steps to Reproduce'