Comment 0 for bug 1896253

Revision history for this message
Angie Wang (angiewang) wrote :

Brief Description
With netapp storage backend configured, backup failed due to authenication issue when pulling netapp images from local registry.


Steps to Reproduce
1. Install a lab with netapp stroage backend configured
2. Run backup playbook with "backup_user_local_registry"
   ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/backup.yml -e "ansible_become_pass=Li69nux* admin_password=Li69nux*" -e "backup_user_local_registry=true"

Expected Behavior
System backup succeed

Actual Behavior
System backup failed


System Configuration
All system types

TASK [backup/backup-system : Pull images from local registry to docker filesystem]
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "stderr": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/tmp/.ansible-sysadmin/tmp/ansible-tmp-1600394729.9-67720743565920/\", line 142, in <module>\n raise Exception(\"Failed to download images %s\" % failed_downloads)\nException: Failed to download images ['registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/']\n", "stderr_lines": ["Traceback (most recent call last):", " File \"/tmp/.ansible-sysadmin/tmp/ansible-tmp-1600394729.9-67720743565920/\", line 142, in <module>", " raise Exception(\"Failed to download images %s\" % failed_downloads)", "Exception: Failed to download images ['registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/', 'registry.local:9001/']"], "stdout": " Image download failed: registry.local:9001/ 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error (\"Get https://registry.local:9001/v2/ unauthorized: authentication required\")\nSleep 10s before retry downloading image registry.local:9001/ ...\n Image download failed: registry.local:9001/ 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error (\"Get https://registry.local:9001/v2/ unauthorized: authentication required\")\nSleep 10s before retry downloading image registry.local:9001/ ...\n Image download failed: registry.local:9001/ 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error (\"Get https://registry.local:9001/v2/ unauthorized: authentication required\")\nSleep 10s before retry
TASK [backup/backup-system : Clear backup_in_progress alarm]
changed: [localhost]

TASK [backup/backup-system : Fail if alarm script throws an exception]

localhost : ok=99 changed=45 unreachable=0 failed=1

Test Activity