Comment 0 for bug 1893669

Revision history for this message
Francisco Giana (franciscogiana) wrote : dnsmasq process monitoring expected impact doesn't work.

Brief Description
When a process fails twice whitin 90 seconds SM does not execute the expected impact.
for instance, I have tested it against dnsmasq process and after killing it twice swact is not triggered.
dnsmasq is an example, but I tested against dcmanager-manager and it has the same behavior.


Steps to Reproduce
I've created a script to test it.

1. Kill process
2. wait 90 seconds.
3. kill it again.

====== script ====
pid=$(cat $pid_file 2>/dev/null)
echo "killing $pid"
echo "ROOT_PASSWORD" | sudo -S kill -9 $pid &>/dev/null;
sleep 5;
fm alarm-list;
sleep $(expr $t - 5);
pid=$(cat $pid_file 2>/dev/null)
echo "killing $pid"
echo "ROOT_PASSWORD" | sudo -S kill -9 $pid &>/dev/null;
sleep 5;
fm alarm-list;
======= end script ===

run it with: ./ PID_FILE INTERVAL
for instance: sh ./ /var/run/ 90 (same behavior if set 60 seconds for instance)

here are the output logs:

[sysadmin@controller-1 ~(keystone_admin)]$ sh /var/run/ 90
vie ago 28 02:22:21 UTC 2020
killing 3073469
vie ago 28 02:22:26 UTC 2020
| Alarm ID | Reason Text | Entity ID | Severity | Time Stamp |
| 400.003 | Evaluation license key will expire on 30-dec-2020; there are 124 | host=controller-0 | minor | 2020-08-28T0 |
| | days remaining in this evaluation | | | 2:19:28. |
| | | | | 540423 |
| | | | | |
| 400.003 | Evaluation license key will expire on 30-dec-2020; there are 124 | host=controller-1 | minor | 2020-08-28T0 |
| | days remaining in this evaluation | | | 0:07:52. |
| | | | | 947822 |
| | | | | |
vie ago 28 02:23:52 UTC 2020
killing 3119849
vie ago 28 02:23:57 UTC 2020
| Alarm ID | Reason Text | Entity ID | Severity | Time Stamp |
| 400.003 | Evaluation license key will expire on 30-dec-2020; there are 124 | host=controller-0 | minor | 2020-08-28T0 |
| | days remaining in this evaluation | | | 2:19:28. |
| | | | | 540423 |
| | | | | |
| 400.003 | Evaluation license key will expire on 30-dec-2020; there are 124 | host=controller-1 | minor | 2020-08-28T0 |
| | days remaining in this evaluation | | | 0:07:52. |
| | | | | 947822 |
| | | | | |
[sysadmin@controller-1 ~(keystone_admin)]$

and swact is not triggered.

Expected Behavior
after dnsmasq failling twice swact must be triggered.

Actual Behavior
swact is not triggered.


System Configuration
IPv4 distributed cloud

Branch/Pull Time/Commit

Last Pass

N/A: logs are above.

Test Activity
Feature Testing