Comment 2 for bug 1887392

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Greg Waines (greg-waines) wrote :

Debugged this with Bart.

'docker pull registry.central:9001/busybox:latest' WORKS.
'crictl pull registry.central:9001/busybox:latest' does NOT work.

Docker client checks here for registry certs that should be TRUSTED.
could be several.
E.g. on subcloud,

crictl uses the entries in the config.toml file for specifying certs that should be TRUSTED:
      ca_file = "/etc/docker/certs.d/registry.local:9001/registry-cert.crt"

However on subcloud there is ONLY an entry for registry.local ...
i.e. there is NO ENTRY for registry.central ... where there SHOULD be
      ca_file = "/etc/docker/certs.d/registry.central:9001/registry-cert.crt"