Comment 0 for bug 1886819

Revision history for this message
ruediger stock (rstock) wrote :

Brief Description
Start gnocchi, ceilometer, oadh and panko fails during application of stx-openstack.


Steps to Reproduce
source /etc/platform/openrc
system helm-chart-attribute-modify stx-openstack gnocchi openstack --enabled true
system helm-chart-attribute-modify stx-openstack ceilometer openstack --enabled true
system helm-chart-attribute-modify stx-openstack aodh openstack --enabled true
system helm-chart-attribute-modify stx-openstack panko openstack --enabled true
system application-apply stx-openstack

Expected Behavior
Services are up and running. E.g. this command works:
OS_CLOUD=openstack_helm openstack metric server version

Actual Behavior
Applying fails with
| Property | Value |
| active | True |
| app_version | 1.0-44-centos-stable-versioned |
| created_at | 2020-07-08T10:17:17.823449+00:00 |
| manifest_file | stx-openstack.yaml |
| manifest_name | armada-manifest |
| name | stx-openstack |
| progress | operation aborted, check logs for detail |
| status | apply-failed |
| updated_at | 2020-07-08T12:23:01.363381+00:00 |

Reproducible 100% on a virtual duplex standard environment

System Configuration
Virtual duplex standard

Branch/Pull Time/Commit
Load from /mirror/starlingx/master/centos/flock/20200708T013409Z

Last Pass
Last known good load was 20200611T021306Z

Attach the logs for debugging (use attachments in Launchpad or for large collect files use:
Provide a snippet of logs here and the timestamp when issue was seen.
Please indicate the unique identifier in the logs to highlight the problem

Test Activity
Regression Testing

No workaround known