Comment 0 for bug 1883458

Revision history for this message
Tee Ngo (teewrs) wrote : Data migration to 20.06 in the system controller will fail if there is an unmanaged subcloud

Brief Description
There is a code flaw in the data migration script that can fail data migration to 20.06 in the system controller if there is a subcloud that has never been managed.


Steps to Reproduce
Bring up a 20.01 distributed cloud
Add a couple of subclouds without managing them
Perform upgrade of the system controller to 20.06

Expected Behavior
System Controller upgrade to 20.06 completes successfully

Actual Behavior
System Controller failed during the data migration step as subcloud load status records, which are created based on the data of patch status records, failed to be inserted when patch updated_at field is empty.

100% reproducible

System Configuration
Distributed Cloud

Branch/Pull Time/Commit
June 6th master load

Last Pass
First time this was tested with subclouds that have never been managed. This is not a typical use case in production but is a legitimate one nonetheless.


Test Activity
Developer Testing of another feature
