Comment 4 for bug 1853907

Revision history for this message
marvin Yu (marvin-yu) wrote :

Due to device limitation, I have tried to reproduce this bug at stx-aio-dx.

Steps to Reproduce
Create router as centralized (pass)
update router to DVR (pass)
update route to centralized (pass)
ping to vm (pass)

It`s seems work well and no exception occur. if I’ve missed some steps, Let me know.

By the way, EXEC the command "openstack router set --disable --distributed a3ec2cca-c1ec-4f2b-b7f2-d53453e1f10c" will make an error. I have to EXEC --disable first, and then do --distributed.

controller-0:/home/sysadmin# openstack router list
| ID | Name | Status | State | Project | Distributed | HA |
| 43e237e1-dcb2-4bc1-8859-e7556dfe1e22 | private-router0 | ACTIVE | UP | 76a69c24405a4ac1a98502219d674c48 | False | False |
| a3ec2cca-c1ec-4f2b-b7f2-d53453e1f10c | public-router0 | ACTIVE | UP | 76a69c24405a4ac1a98502219d674c48 | False | False |
controller-0:/home/sysadmin# openstack router set --disable --distributed a3ec2cca-c1ec-4f2b-b7f2-d53453e1f10c
BadRequestException: 400: Client Error for url: http://neutron.openstack.svc.cluster.local:80/v2.0/routers/a3ec2cca-c1ec-4f2b-b7f2-d53453e1f10c, Bad router request: Cannot change the 'distributed' attribute of active routers. Please set router admin_state_up to False prior to upgrade.