Comment 14 for bug 1844363

Revision history for this message
Wendy Mitchell (wmitchellwr) wrote :

Definitely not just a display issue as noted in my comment above. cli output shows that of the partitions created, only the most recent one was removed from the host-disk-partition-list.

Long after the wipedisk operation, the 1st partition created (of the 2) still has not been removed from the inventory.

$ system host-disk-partition-list controller-1
| uuid | device_path | device_node | type_guid | type_nam | size_ | status |
| | | | | e | gib | |
| 45d21e67-6f8d-4cc2-abcf-f315454f9b61 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000: | /dev/nvme1n1p1 | ba5eba11-0000-1111-2222-000000000001 | LVM | 11.0 | Ready |
| | 86:00.0-nvme-1-part1 | | | Physical | | |
| | | | | Volume | | |
| | | | |