Comment 2 for bug 1841620

Revision history for this message
Al Bailey (albailey1974) wrote :

The stuck alarm occurs near this log

2019-08-27 08:15:31.123 95305 INFO sysinv.agent.rpcapi [-] config_apply_runtime_manifest: fanout_cast: sending config 3ac0c536-57ad-4e49-ba37-6877ef030622 {'classes': ['openstack::keystone::endpoint::runtime', 'platform::firewall::runtime', 'platform::sysinv::runtime'], 'force': False, 'personalities': ['controller'], 'host_uuids': [u'94146b1f-8449-4cd8-888b-0cffa07293f8']} to agent
2019-08-27 08:15:31.132 95305 INFO sysinv.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] Connected to AMQP server on
2019-08-27 08:15:31.223 95305 INFO sysinv.conductor.manager [-] drbd-overview: pgsql-40.0, cgcs-20.0, extension-0.96875, patch-vault-0, etcd-4.8, dockerdistribution-16.0
2019-08-27 08:15:31.223 95305 INFO sysinv.conductor.manager [-] lvdisplay: pgsql-40.0, cgcs-20.0, extension-1.0, patch-vault-0, etcd-5.0, dockerdistribution-16.0
2019-08-27 08:15:31.235 95305 INFO sysinv.conductor.manager [-] SYS_I Clear system config alarm: controller-0 target config 328f0cd7-a654-4419-8320-18f619dc2ea4
2019-08-27 08:16:03.390 14322 INFO sysinv.agent.manager [-] get_ihost_by_macs rpc Timeout.
2019-08-27 08:16:03.399 14322 INFO sysinv.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] Connected to AMQP server on
2019-08-27 08:16:03.417 14322 WARNING sysinv.openstack.common.loopingcall [-] task run outlasted interval by 1.728777 sec

We can determine what area of the code is being run, but not why there is no puppet log for that time period.