Comment 31 for bug 1841189

Revision history for this message
chen haochuan (martin1982) wrote :

For WR reproduce step. Security group "default" already add rule for icmp and tcp port 22.

[2019-08-22 18:19:54,133] 301 DEBUG MainThread ssh.send :: Send 'openstack --os-username 'tenant1' --os-password 'Li69nux*' --os-project-name tenant1 --os-auth-url http://keystone.openstack.svc.cluster.local/v3 --os-user-domain-name Default --os-project-domain-name Default --os-identity-api-version 3 --os-interface internal --os-region-name RegionOne security group rule list --long'
[2019-08-22 18:19:55,891] 423 DEBUG MainThread ssh.expect :: Output:
| ID | IP Protocol | IP Range | Port Range | Direction | Ethertype | Remote Security Group | Security Group |
| 828f8902-681c-4dbd-b5a6-1e5ee477c1c9 | None | None | | egress | IPv4 | None | 37e619d8-1724-4dc7-a130-d4df9ffecb0d |
| 927ef8e5-b10a-4f72-8c46-aefaa5f8b6f0 | icmp | | | ingress | IPv4 | None | 37e619d8-1724-4dc7-a130-d4df9ffecb0d |
| c0f13b7f-e844-402e-baad-eda4113097b5 | None | None | | ingress | IPv6 | 37e619d8-1724-4dc7-a130-d4df9ffecb0d | 37e619d8-1724-4dc7-a130-d4df9ffecb0d |
| dd9ff74d-1003-44a6-bcdc-5e5d20f613eb | None | None | | ingress | IPv4 | 37e619d8-1724-4dc7-a130-d4df9ffecb0d | 37e619d8-1724-4dc7-a130-d4df9ffecb0d |
| e13c763b-5030-4071-ba8d-1d9582b8ed0c | None | None | | egress | IPv6 | None | 37e619d8-1724-4dc7-a130-d4df9ffecb0d |
| e5088825-d652-41fd-b90d-aa4c7245f5b6 | tcp | | 22:22 | ingress | IPv4 | None | 37e619d8-1724-4dc7-a130-d4df9ffecb0d |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$

At first, it could ping vm from external.
[2019-08-22 19:33:52,813] 2525 INFO MainThread network_helper.ping_server:: Ping from host
[2019-08-22 19:33:52,813] 466 DEBUG MainThread ssh.exec_cmd:: Executing command...
[2019-08-22 19:33:52,813] 301 DEBUG MainThread ssh.send :: Send 'ping -c 3'
[2019-08-22 19:33:54,914] 423 DEBUG MainThread ssh.expect :: Output:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.100 ms

Will set up with configuration 2+3, to check.