Comment 0 for bug 1838100

Revision history for this message
Yang Liu (yliu12) wrote :

Brief Description
platform keystone account lockout feature is disabled.
Note that in stx-openstack keystone, this is enabled properly. I would expect the platform keystone to be at least as secure as the containerized keystone.

To enable this feature, account lockout values need to be set in platform /etc/keystone/keystone.conf.
openstack link to this feature:


Steps to Reproduce
TC-name: test_keystone_user_password_rules
1. Create a platform keystone user and assign role to it
2. Run openstack command with this user using correct password, and ensure it works
3. Run openstack command with this user using incorrect password multiple times (5+)
4. Run openstack command with this user using correct password again

Expected Behavior
3. User should be locked out
4. openstack command fail to execute even with the correct password due to account lockout

Actual Behavior
3. Account is not locked
4. openstack command ran successfully


System Configuration

Branch/Pull Time/Commit
stx master as of "20190726T013000Z"

Last Pass
Previous keystone testing was against stx-openstack, which works as expected.
After adding similar tests for platform keystone, this issue is uncovered.

This is very easy to reproduce

Test Activity
Regression Testing