Comment 0 for bug 1836969

Revision history for this message
Ghada Khalil (gkhalil) wrote :

Brief Description
IPv6 is not functional when configured on the management interface on a duplex direct system.
Because there is no carrier on the interface in the case of duplex-direct, dad can't complete, so the address stays in the tentative state, and cannot receive connections. That means that anything that tries connecting to the IPv6 mgmt address, including local services, will time out.

Major - this precludes users from using IPv6 with duplex-direct configurations

Steps to Reproduce
Configure a duplex-direct system with IPv6

Expected Behavior
This config should work

Actual Behavior
This doesn't work. See explanation in the description.


System Configuration
Two node system connected as duplex-direct

Branch/Pull Time/Commit
Any stx load

Last Pass
Never. This has always been broken.

Not required. Issue is reproducible.

Test Activity
Discussion with networking TL