Comment 7 for bug 1836682

Revision history for this message
ChenjieXu (midone) wrote :

Hi all,

The pci alias is not configured by StarlingX. I will submit a patch to fix this. For now you can workaround this by helm override like following:
cat > nova-overrides.yaml <<EOF
    debug: True
        type: multistring
        - '{"vendor_id": "8086", "product_id": "1572","device_type":"type-PCI","name": "h210-1"}'
        - '{"vendor_id": "8086", "product_id": "1572","device_type":"type-PCI","name": "h210-2"}'
system helm-override-update stx-openstack nova openstack --values nova-overrides.yaml
system application-apply stx-openstack
system application-list
nova_schedular_pod_id=$(kubectl get pods –n openstack | grep nova-schedular)
kubectl exec –it $nova_schedular_pod_id –n openstack
in container): cat /etc/nova/nova.conf | less

You can retrieve the vendor_id, product_id from the directory: /sys/bus/pci/devices/$PCI_ADDRESS