Comment 20 for bug 1836682

Revision history for this message
ChenjieXu (midone) wrote :

Hi Sathish,

Could you please also try to pass through SR-IOV capable physical NIC to VM by creating port whose vnic_type is direct-physical? The following commands can be referenced:

1. Use system command to configure interface. One is used for PCI PASSTHROUGH and the other is a normal interface.
   export COMPUTE=controller-0
   system host-lock ${COMPUTE}
   system datanetwork-add ${PHYSNET0} vlan
   system datanetwork-add ${PHYSNET1} vlan
   system host-if-list -a ${COMPUTE}
   system host-if-modify -m 1500 -n pcipass -c pci-passthrough ${COMPUTE} ${DATA0IFUUID}
   system host-if-modify -m 1500 -n data1 -c data ${COMPUTE} ${DATA1IFUUID}
   system interface-datanetwork-assign ${COMPUTE} ${DATA0IFUUID} ${PHYSNET0}
   system interface-datanetwork-assign ${COMPUTE} ${DATA1IFUUID} ${PHYSNET1}
   system interface-datanetwork-list ${COMPUTE}
   system host-unlock ${COMPUTE}
   # make sure stx-openstack has been re-applied successfully
   system application-list

2. Create keypair and security group
   mkdir -p /home/sysadmin/.ssh/
   vi /home/sysadmin/.ssh/id_rsa
   openstack keypair create key1 --private-key /home/sysadmin/.ssh/id_rsa
   openstack security group create security1
   openstack security group rule create --ingress --protocol icmp --remote-ip security1
   openstack security group rule create --ingress --protocol tcp --remote-ip security1
   openstack security group rule create --ingress --protocol udp --remote-ip security1

3. Create networks and subnets. Upload the ubuntu image.
   export OS_CLOUD=openstack_helm
   ADMINID=`openstack project list | grep admin | awk '{print $2}'`
   openstack network segment range create ${PHYSNET0}-a --network-type vlan --physical-network ${PHYSNET0} --minimum 400 --maximum 499 --private --project ${ADMINID}
   openstack network segment range create ${PHYSNET1}-a --network-type vlan --physical-network ${PHYSNET1} --minimum 500 --maximum 599 --private --project ${ADMINID}
   openstack network create --project ${ADMINID} --provider-network-type=vlan --provider-physical-network=${PHYSNET0} --provider-segment=400 ${PUBLICNET0}
   openstack network create --project ${ADMINID} --provider-network-type=vlan --provider-physical-network=${PHYSNET1} --provider-segment=500 ${PUBLICNET1}
   openstack subnet create --project ${ADMINID} ${PUBLICSUBNET0} --network ${PUBLICNET0} --subnet-range
   openstack subnet create --project ${ADMINID} ${PUBLICSUBNET1} --network ${PUBLICNET1} --subnet-range
   openstack image create --container-format bare --disk-format qcow2 --file xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img ubuntu
   openstack image list

4. Create PF port whose vnic_type is direct-physical
   net_id=`neutron net-show ${PUBLICNET0} | grep "\ id\ " | awk '{ print $4 }'`
   port_id=`neutron port-create $net_id --name pf-port --binding:vnic_type direct-physical | grep "\ id\ " | awk '{ print $4 }'`

5. Create VM with one PF port and one normal port which is used to ssh to the VM
   openstack server create --image ubuntu --flavor m1.small --nic port-id=$port_id --network ${PUBLICNET1}
 --security-group security1 --key-name key1 test-pci