Comment 2 for bug 1820378

Revision history for this message
ChenjieXu (midone) wrote : Re: vhostuser port on br-int doesn't work

We added our own vhostuser port to br-int and use virsh command and cirros-dpdk-vhostuserclient.xml to create VM. The manually created vhostuser port can work.

1. Create vhostuser port:
   ovs-vsctl add-port br-int vhost-user-1 -- set Interface vhost-user-1 type=dpdkvhostuserclient
2. Download image on controller-0 and scp image to compute-0
   scp cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img wrsroot@compute-0:~/
3. Copy image to directory /var/lib/nova/instances for creating VM
   cp cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img /var/lib/nova/instances/
4. Bring up br-int to verify the connectivity:
   sudo ifconfig br-int up
2. Create VM:
   virsh create cirros-dpdk-vhostuserclient.xml
4. Manually assign an IP to VM:
   sudo ifconfig eth0 up
5. In created VM, ping br-int:

The ping succeeds.