Comment 0 for bug 1796404

Revision history for this message
mhg (marvinhg) wrote :

Brief Description
Cinder 'backup' went into 'error' status right after being created and stayed in that status. cinder backup-show <id> shew the reason 'An unknown exception occurred'


Steps to Reproduce
1 create a 'cinder backup' for a free cinder volume on a ceph lab:
cinder backup-create --container cinder --name <name> <vol_id>

Expected Behavior
The 'backup' should be created without any issue and would reach 'available' status

Actual Behavior
The 'backup' got into 'error' status right after the creation CLI executed and stayed in the states.


System Configuration

Branch/Pull Time/Commit
master as of 2018-10-04_01-52-00