Comment 0 for bug 462275

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Ruben Romero (huayra) wrote :

The way thing sare now the SpreadUbuntu site need more flexibility for users. This means being able to access any material given any predefined criteria.

Tags are the easiest way to do this, and they can even be used paralell to the existing categories.

Either by using a tag cloud or a taxonomi system of some sort (think of Flickr) we should be able to give our users the easiest possible way to get exactly what they want in their own terms:

1. If I want a material that's Karmic related I would then choose the karmic tag
2. If I want a high quality poster I would choose the high-quality tag under the poster category
3. If I want a visit card then I choose the visit card tag that someone put on what looked or was announced as a website button

A good way of getting this off is giving users a variety of already existing tags (go tag every material available or ask people to do it) and so they can choose that or make their own.
