Comment 1 for bug 302074

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Ruben Romero (huayra) wrote :

Seems awesome. I believe it should be possible to later even add points to the SpreadUbuntu project Karma for users. LaunchPad will one day allow this thorugh the LP API... That's why I'm so insistent in the OpenID stuff: I would like to see it all linked ;-)

As I said: GREAT IDEA!

Affiliates really is nothing more than an extension of SU towards user sites:

* Add a link to your site and get some *points* or *Click number* for you to show off your SpreadUbuntu awesomeness to you fellow marketeers!

It's all about metrics and gemmick: no more, no less!

Nothing I would use actively under normal circunstances, but to promote this site I'm willing to go VERY far ;-)