Comment 1 for bug 2063859

Revision history for this message
sezanzeb (sezanzeb) wrote :

Can't reproduce, but it might depend on the exact settings.

Try to run soundconverter from a terminal in debug mode, like this:

soundconverter --debug

Then paste the log. It should, among other things, print something like:

DEBUG:, line 321, launching: 'giosrc location="file:///mnt/data/music/MPEG-4/foo/bar/qux.m4a" name=src ! decodebin name=decoder ! audiorate ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! lamemp3enc encoding-engine-quality=2 target=bitrate cbr=true bitrate=192 ! id3mux ! giosink location="file:///tmp/qux.m4a~721454~SC~"'

Please also run

sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-tools
gst-launch-1.0 --version