Comment 0 for bug 1839542

Revision history for this message
Peter Jones (jonesypeter) wrote :

SoundConvertor Verion: 3.0.2
Distro: Ubuntu 19.10 (Tesing) - I'm using this so I can make sure I have the latest version of SoundConvertor

This is rather an odd one.

I use a NAS called a WDMyCloud EX2 Ultra, and also use get-iplayer which is a program for downloading BBC Radio shows:

The script downloads the file and tags with an image from the BBC website.

When I convert to mp3 with SoundConvertor I don't see the image preview in the MyCloud Application (Image attached)

However if I use either of these FFMPEG commands it works fine:

ffmpeg -i *.m4a ffmpegquick.mp3

ffmpeg -i *.m4a -acodec libmp3lame -aq 2 ffmpegoptions.mp3

The odd thing is that the WDMyCloud box includes an implementation of Twonky and all the images appear fine in there.

I followed the instructions on the SoundConvertor Homepage to install dependencies for MP3 conversion and I just get an error 'Package gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly is virtual.

I can provide the m4a file if required. Thanks in advance.

This is the debug:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ soundconverter --debug
  id3mux gstreamer element not found
  faac gstreamer element not found
SoundConverter 3.0.2
/usr/share/soundconverter/python/soundconverter/ Warning: g_value_type_transformable: assertion 'G_TYPE_IS_VALUE (src_type)' failed

(SoundConverter:12867): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:27:44.459: ../../../../gtk/gtkliststore.c:836: Unable to convert from (null) to gchararray
analysing file integrity
Queue start: 1 tasks, 16 thread(s).
launching: 'giosrc location="file:///home/ubuntu/Desktop/How_Tickled_Am_I_Series_3_-_4._Harry_Worth_b00f670x_shortened.m4a" ! decodebin name=decoder ! fakesink'
adding: 1 files
have_type: audio/x-m4a How_Tickled_Am_I_Series_3_-_4._Harry_Worth_b00f670x_shortened.m4a
mime: .m4a audio/x-m4a
Queue done in 0.048s (1 tasks)
Added 1 files in 0.05s (scan 0.00s, add 0.05s)
Queue start: 1 tasks, 16 thread(s).
launching: 'giosrc location="file:///home/ubuntu/Desktop/How_Tickled_Am_I_Series_3_-_4._Harry_Worth_b00f670x_shortened.m4a" name=src ! decodebin name=decoder ! audiorate ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! lamemp3enc encoding-engine-quality=2 target=quality cbr=false quality=3 ! xingmux ! id3v2mux ! giosink location="file:///home/ubuntu/Desktop/How_Tickled_Am_I_Series_3_-_4._Harry_Worth_b00f670x_shortened.m4a~979793~SC~"'
found_tags: How_Tickled_Am_I_Series_3_-_4._Harry_Worth_b00f670x_shortened.m4a
    {'title': 'Harry Worth'}
    {'artist': 'BBC Radio 4 Extra'}
    {'album-artist': 'BBC Radio'}
    {'album': 'How Tickled Am I?: Series 3'}
    {'year': 2008, 'date': '2008-10-26'}
    {'track-number': '4'}
    {'album-disc-number': '3'}
    {'genre': 'Factual'}
/home/ubuntu/Desktop/How_Tickled_Am_I_Series_3_-_4._Harry_Worth_b00f670x_shortened.m4a~979793~SC~ -> /home/ubuntu/Desktop/How_Tickled_Am_I_Series_3_-_4._Harry_Worth_b00f670x_shortened.mp3
Creating folder 'file:///home/ubuntu/Desktop'?
Queue done in 26.798s (1 tasks)
/usr/share/soundconverter/python/soundconverter/ PyGIWarning: Unity was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Unity', '7.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
  from gi.repository import Unity