Comment 68 for bug 195483

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Bruce R (bm007a0030) wrote :

I see that 'if something can possibly be misinterpreted (or misquoted) it wil bel' applies again.

By 'new parameters lacking definition' I was referring to technical definition, not subjective audio clarity.

Meanwhile, posting this from a Live 'daily Maverick DVD' (28-Sep-2010) session, I can report that the 'xingmux' profile for 'CD Quality MP3' has been re-instated, again with 'quality=6' that is best changed to 3 or better yet 2.

The xingmux settings still seem to have a strident, harsh colouration to my ears, but I will use this setting versus my early recommendation to try polling some folk with better and more discerning hearing, hopefully including some young musicians with decent pitch perception.