Comment 0 for bug 1582369

Revision history for this message
Devdatta Kulkarni (devdatta-kulkarni) wrote :

Application 'environments' (dev/test/staging/production) are supported in Solum by registering and deploying separate app for each environment. For instance, lets say app developer is working on a Python app and want to create a 'dev' environment for local design and development of the app, and a 'test' environment for running functional/integration tests. To do this, app developer can do the following:

1) Create and deploy python app in dev environment:
solum app create python-app-dev-env --app-file python_app.yaml
solum app deploy python-app-dev-env

2)Create and deploy python app in test environment:
solum app create python-app-test-env --app-file python_app.yaml
solum app deploy python-app-test-env

Above should be documented in the 'Quick Start Guide':