Comment 0 for bug 1534183

Revision history for this message
Devdatta Kulkarni (devdatta-kulkarni) wrote :

CAMP related assembly functional tests are not deleting DU image records from the image table after test completion.

Way to reproduce:

1) Do functionaltest setup outlined here:

2) Run tests:
     nosetests --tests

3) After tests finish, login to mysql database and query the image table.
     % mysql
     % use solum;
     % select * from image;

You should see the following:

mysql> select * from image;
| id | uuid | created_at | updated_at | name | description | source_uri | project_id | user_id | tags | status | base_image_id | created_image_id | image_format | source_format | artifact_type | external_ref | docker_image_name |
| 179 | 891272eb-71f9-4a16-ba96-1f743d7ff3f7 | 2016-01-14 14:30:09 | NULL | train spotter service | NULL | | 5be7e6fa92dd4bdfa863afbd289e7967 | d45fc73f313a44338372e401a97229fa | NULL | QUEUED | python | NULL | docker | org.python:python | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| 180 | fcb21226-690a-4371-830d-57db1df85044 | 2016-01-14 14:30:15 | NULL | train spotter service | NULL | | 5be7e6fa92dd4bdfa863afbd289e7967 | d45fc73f313a44338372e401a97229fa | NULL | QUEUED | python | NULL | docker | org.python:python | NULL | NULL | NULL |

We should delete these records upon completion of the tests.