Comment 0 for bug 1027652

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Alex Solanos (hakermania) wrote :

If I make a tray icon in Lubuntu using Qt and do the following in my code:





void MainWindow::clickSysTrayIcon(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason)
    qDebug() << "I AM IN";

The phrase 'I AM IN' will never be called!
I have tried with left/right click, middle click, wheel etc and nothing seems to launch this qDebug action.

However, if I use exactly the same code under Lubuntu for example, which haven't removed tray icons, then the 'I AM IN' string is being outputted every time I do an action to the tray icon, like left/right/middle clicks etc.

I think that it is sni-qt's issue not to convert these tray icon actions to the corresponding indicator actions!