Comment 0 for bug 1636931

Revision history for this message
Kyle Fazzari (kyrofa) wrote :

snapd includes a test snap within it for the configure hook, located in tests/lib/snaps/snapctl-hooks. This snap's configure hook works fine in the spread tests, but when used locally, results in the following:

    $ sudo snap set snapctl-hooks foo=bar
    error: cannot perform the following tasks:
    - Run configure hook for snapctl-hooks (cannot snap-exec: cannot find hook "configure" in "snapctl-hooks")

With the following system:

$ snap --version
snap 2.16ubuntu3
snapd 2.16ubuntu3
series 16
ubuntu 16.04

$ snap list
Name Version Rev Developer Notes
snapctl-hooks 1.0 x1 -
ubuntu-core 16.04.1 423 canonical -

I suspect this is simply due to the snap-exec being used by snapd being the one contained within the core snap.