Comment 6 for bug 1607748

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Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand) wrote :

As Stephane mentioned, if a name is registered to the publisher then the publisher can upload a snap with that name and own it (ie, lxd). Perhaps it makes sense for the store to offer 'additional toplevel commands' (or something) that register those command names with the user but that won't allow uploads of snaps with that name. In that way, Stephane registers lxd like normal, clicks through some stuff under lxd in the store to register 'lxc' as an additional command and if it is free gets, it registered to him, and he can upload as usual. He would not be able to register 'lxc' as a project then since the name is taken as an additional command. In in this idea, wouldn't want to change the snap.yaml-- just let snapd sort it out with the store (hmm, but what about sideloads...).

Just spitballing here of course. This needs proper design, etc but like Stephane said, the request seems plausible. Part of me thinks that people might (ab)use this functionality to register scores of commands (I've seen a project with 47 commands in it for example) and I think the norm should probably be what we have today. 2 cents