Comment 0 for bug 2011581

Revision history for this message
Shayan (shayanp) wrote :

The MySQL charm uses the charmed-mysql snap ( This snap contains all the binaries required to run a MySQL charm (e.g. mysql-server, mysql-shell, xtrabackup, etc) installed from apt packages. The charmed-mysql snap has a daemon ( to run mysqld, which is run as the snap_daemon user (

Since mysqld is run as snap_daemon, the MySQL data files are owned by the snap_daemon user. Thus, when the charm runs an application binary (e.g. xtrabackup -, it must be run as snap_daemon to have access to the data files.

The home directory for the snap_daemon user is `/nonexistent` by default, and we run into the following error when we try to invoke the charmed-mysql.xtrabackup binary with the snap_daemon user in python using subprocess:

cmd_run.go:1046: WARNING: cannot create user data directory: cannot create snap home dir: mkdir /nonexistent: permission denied
cmd_run.go:1046: WARNING: cannot create user data directory: cannot create snap home dir: mkdir /nonexistent: permission denied
Sorry, home directories outside of /home are not currently supported.
See for details.
Sorry, home directories outside of /home are not currently supported.

The python code that tries to execute charmed-mysql.xtrabackup binary as the snap_daemon user is:

import subprocess

user = "snap_daemon"
group = "snap_daemon"
command = "charmed-mysql.xtrabackup --help".split()
env = {}

process =
print("stdout: ", process.stdout)
print("stderr: ", process.stderr)