Comment 22 for bug 1945697

Revision history for this message
Thibauld (thibauld) wrote :

I see this bug still has "New" status and importance "Undecided" so I have to weight in :)
The Firefox is nothing less than completely broken on Ubuntu 2.10 (it was a fresh install).
Firefox crashes at least once a day (most of the time in the morning, a few minutes after I sit down in front of my computer, after a few minutes of FF use).

The only good thing about this bug is that I can only applaud the robustness of FF's restore session feature, which really works well :)

Other than that, this bug is definitely "confirmed" and, regarding its importance, I don't see how the next LTS could be called "stable" with such a broken FF experience.

Happy to provide more info if needed. I just enabled this today:
sudo snap set core experimental.refresh-app-awareness=true

Hopefully, it will reduce the crash frequency.