Comment 3 for bug 1871189

Revision history for this message
Joseph Borg (joeborg) wrote :

Hey Zyga, sure.

1) Download this snap:
    For reference the snapcraft.yaml is:

2) Bring snapd, core, core18 to edge.
    sudo snap install snapd --edge
    sudo snap refresh core --edge
    sudo snap install core18 --edge

3) Install the snap
    sudo snap install ./microk8s.snap --dangerous

4) Connect the interfaces (this fails):
    for i in docker-privileged docker-support kubernetes-support k8s-kubelet k8s-kubeproxy dot-kube network network-bind network-control network-observe firewall-control process-control kernel-module-observe kernel-module-control mount-observe hardware-observe system-observe home opengl k8s-journald; do sudo snap connect microk8s:$i; done

5) Try to remove the sanp (this fails):
    sudo snap remove microk8s

6) Ask for Markdown in launchpad :)

Let me know if I can help.