Comment 0 for bug 1677015

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Kyle Fazzari (kyrofa) wrote :

I have a gadget snap with the following slot:

            interface: serial-port
            path: /dev/serial-port-kobuki
            usb-vendor: 0x0403
            usb-product: 0x6001

I have an app snap with the following plug:

            interface: serial-port

Both of these are published on their respective stable channels. I put these together in a model definition like so:

        "gadget": "my-gadget-snap",
        "required-snaps": ["my-app-snap"]

And build it into an image with ubuntu-image. However, when I boot that image, this interface is not automatically connected:

    $ snap interfaces
    Slot Plug
    my-gadget-snap:kobuki -
    - my-app-snap:kobuki

There seems to be no way to specify that this interface should be automatically connected. I figure this belongs in the gadget, but perhaps it belongs in the model definition itself, as that's where extra snaps are added via required-snaps.