Comment 0 for bug 1663565

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Martin Wimpress  (flexiondotorg) wrote :

I've create a snap for a music player. The mpris interface is hooked up (and works) and the following plugs are in use:

    plugs: [browser-support, gsettings, home, mount-observe, network, opengl, pulseaudio, unity7, x11]

However, the media keys are not being exposed by default so it is not possible to skip tracks or play/pause using media keys. Here is the output from /var/log/syslog when starting the snap.

    Feb 10 11:26:44 skull dbus[1806]: apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_method_call" bus="session" path="/org/gnome/SettingsDaemon/MediaKeys" interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="GetAll" mask="send" name=":1.22" pid=16917 label="snap.spotify-client-test.spotify-client-test" peer_pid=2030 peer_label="unconfined"
    Feb 10 11:26:44 skull dbus[1806]: apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_method_call" bus="session" path="/org/gnome/SettingsDaemon/MediaKeys" interface="org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys" member="GrabMediaPlayerKeys" mask="send" name=":1.22" pid=16917 label="snap.spotify-client-test.spotify-client-test" peer_pid=2030 peer_label="unconfined"