Comment 4 for bug 1655125

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Simon Fels (morphis) wrote :

I have a similar use case where a application can be extended with plugins for further functionality. In this case they don't need to be in a particular path but the main snap needs to take a single file from the plugin snap and process it further. It also needs to know when the plugin snap was removed or upgraded so it can either remove or reload the plugin in the application.

Upgrade or removal detection can be either done via interface hooks or via filesystem events the main application listens for. What I am missing more is the ability in the main snap to choose where the plugin snaps get mounted to via the content interface. Right now I have to define a static path in my snap.yaml. It would be an idea to delegate this decision to an interface hook so that the main snap can decide where inside SNAP_DATA/SNAP_COMMON the plugin snap content gets mounted to so it can create a directory per plugin snap or similar.