Comment 43 for bug 1620771

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reetp (jcrisp) wrote :

> maybe I'll just have to get a real /home again, sigh.

You have a real home. It just isn't where they want you to have it. I don't believe there are any laws saying exactly where your personal home directory should be beyond somewhere in /home

And that /home can be anywhere. Same partition, different partition, different building.

This is just a case of them making an assumption about how people work, and then not being able to work out how to handle anything different, or can't be bothered, and instead deciding to force you to bend to their will. It is just easier for them to change you than it is to change themselves. I guess this is all tied up with systemd in some way. It's the same dictatorial style. Hey ho.

Personally I use /home/user for a LOCAL non networked user, and /home/server/whatever/user for domain logons. etc. so I know which is which at a glance.

I am not about to go round migrating all my desktops now. I'd rather dump *buntu.

If is isn't "allowed" then they should have done something about it. But they haven't bothered. Read into that what you will. Won't fix says it all.

Quite frankly I'd recommend that you do yourself a favour and dump the overblown inflexible bloatware nonsense that are snaps.