Comment 2 for bug 1765282

Revision history for this message
Kyle Fazzari (kyrofa) wrote :

This snapcraft.yaml is very dependent on your host system, which isn't really how snapcraft was designed to be used. It's impossible for us to know exactly what's happening as a result. You should get rid of that first part, and stage those packages directly instead, something like this:

# ...
    plugin: cmake
    source: src
        - g++
        - libopencv-core3.2
        - libopencv-highgui3.2
        - libopencv-imgproc3.2
        - libopencv-imgcodecs3.2

That said, that still may not be what you want, since you probably want to ensure the -dev packages are installed as well (e.g. libopencv-highgui-dev in build-packages), but I won't assume too much.