Comment 0 for bug 1680571

Revision history for this message
Leo Arias (elopio) wrote :

Currently, before making the changes in the .travis.yml file we are showing a long message with all the details of what will happen to the file. It includes an example of how the file could look after the command runs:

See the example below::

    sudo: required
    - docker
    - openssl aes-256-cbc -K <travis-key> -iv <travis-iv>
        -in .snapcraft/travis_snapcraft.cfg
        -out .snapcraft/snapcraft.cfg -d
        skip_cleanup: true
          Provider: script
        script: docker run -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -t ubuntu:xenial sh -c
            "apt update -qq && apt install snapcraft -y && cd $(pwd) &&
            snapcraft && snapcraft push *.snap --release edge"
          branch: master

From Gustavo:
"The example here feels a bit dirty [...]. We should simply state that it will be modified and why. Not how or with which content. We know for sure that this file is under revision control, and may be reviewed if desired, and the developer will also need to commit acknowledging the change explicitly before it's put in use."