Comment 0 for bug 2067508

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Andre Ruiz (andre-ruiz) wrote : sunbeam configure fails with error about user not being part of group snap_daemon

I'm following this guide ->

Using 2024.1/edge rel 507

and there's a point where you run sunbeam configure --openrc demo-openrc

but it complains:

ubuntu@sunbeam-client:~$ sunbeam configure --openrc demo-openrc
Error: Insufficient permissions to run sunbeam commands
Add the user 'ubuntu' to the 'snap_daemon' group:

    sudo usermod -a -G snap_daemon ubuntu

After this, reload the user groups either via a reboot or by running 'newgrp snap_daemon'.

which seems correct because my user is NOT part of that group, it has not been configured to be by the preparation script, which was run like this: sunbeam prepare-node-script --client | bash -x

If you inspect the script you see no group add. I can manually fix it and then configure works normally.