Comment 2 for bug 2065700

Revision history for this message
Nobuto Murata (nobuto) wrote :

microceph charm is using the manual provider in this context, and the binding is not used other than the default "alpha". Not sure if Juju is capable to leverage multiple spaces on the manual provider these days or not though.

$ juju spaces
Name Space ID Subnets
alpha 0

$ juju show-application microceph
  charm: microceph
  base: ubuntu@22.04
  channel: latest/edge
    arch: amd64
  principal: true
  exposed: false
  remote: false
  life: alive
    "": alpha
    admin: alpha
    ceph: alpha
    cluster: alpha
    mds: alpha
    peers: alpha
    public: alpha
    radosgw: alpha