Comment 0 for bug 2065469

Revision history for this message
Nobuto Murata (nobuto) wrote :

It looks like the deployment timeout is hardcoded as 5400s (90min) and there is no way to extend it for environments where the internet connection is not fast enough to fetch all resources such as container images.

$ sunbeam cluster bootstrap --role control --role compute --role storage
Use proxy to access external network resources? [y/n] (n):
Management networks shared by hosts (CIDRs, separated by comma) (
MetalLB address allocation range (supports multiple ranges, comma separated) (
Disks to attach to MicroCeph (comma separated list) (/dev/sdc): /dev/vdc
⠇ Deploying OpenStack Control Plane to Kubernetes (this may take a while) ... waiting for services to come online (23/25)Timed out while waiting for model 'openstack' to be ready
Error: Timed out while waiting for model 'openstack' to be ready