Comment 0 for bug 2052407

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Andre Ruiz (andre-ruiz) wrote :

When executing sunbeam commands (i.e. bootstrap, configure, resize, etc.) the status on the screen is too frequent. It seems nice to have a spinning icon at the beginning of the line, but the drawback is that if you run it through a script and want to capture the output messages, you end up with hundreds of thousands of lines depending of the time it takes.

On the other hand, if you disable terminal pty emulation (i.e. in an SSH, without specifying -t) it will instead be completely quiet, without telling anything at all during the whole time. Which is equally undesirable.

In other works, too much or too little. An option in the middle would be nice, both to the user and to scripts that collect the output. For example, it would be nice if every new status leave others behind instead of overwriting them on the same line.

Another issue is that the option -q (quiet) does not seem to do anything. The amount of messages that I could see with or without it seemed to be the same. Maybe it could the used to achieve that.