Comment 7 for bug 2051915

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Matt Verran (mv-2112) wrote :

Quick update on my findings since @cmanso chimed in..

Agree with @gboutry that memory is one cause and there seems to now be a control to help with this, I also agree that the tuneable on the health checks is the most likely cause due to the change I've seen after applying the memory settings. What I'm still seeing is even after easing the health checks its still happening.

That said, if you follow the DPE link @gboutry posted you'll see a fix is in so I'm going to try a fresh install to see if this is fixed once and for all based on the lock in pebble.

I _still_ however believe from an enterprise system tuning approach having all of this log rotates etc running at the same interval is a bad thing - see - this is why we apply random time offsets to cron jobs. I suspect that the pebble lock bug is ultimately uncovered because of this synchronous running of jobs.