Comment 0 for bug 797295

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Compintuit (permanentlylostinsightofland) wrote :

Sometimes, when scanning hundreds of pages, I'll do lots, save, and come back another day. If I'm saving with say the pattern
and I save several hundred of these, I don't really want to leave the pattern, as I have to do some shell script wizardry to rename them. All I'm asking for is this specific change to simplify naming.
When saving a file with multiple pages, check the save name. If it happens to match this regular expression: .*?-[0-9]*.[png]?[pdf][jpg]
check to see if there is a file with one less than the integer of this document. If so, reuse that portion of the name, instead of sticking on another series, resulting in something like ScanMedia-56-14.png. It's a minor feature, and would really help. Thanks.